Everyone has dreams, right? I've dreamt of publishing a book since I was a kid, and in recent years I've wanted to create a web site that ties in. I'm finishing up the first draft of my third book (all three novels to be published this year, released a couple of months after the first), and I'm fighting my way through teaching myself how to create a cool web site (KISS). One step at a time. One day at a time. I turn 62 this year and it's NEVER too late to do what is next.

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That's so lovely, Beth. Congrats on the books and good luck with the website! 🍓

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At this point, I've got nothing to lose. I find that as I grow "maturer", fear doesn't have such a hold anymore. :D

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That is beautiful news. 💚

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No it's never too late! I always seem to change websites when I've grown out of the last way I was feeling, staying honest and true to myself - good luck with the website!

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Thank you, Sally! It's quite the ride.

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My “next” was starting a PhD program in 2020. We call ourselves the ‘Covid cohort.’ I’m ~20 years older than most of the group and have loved every moment of it!

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Amy! That's so wonderful. Here's to the Covid cohort all getting their PhDs! 📚

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In lieu of big travel plans that will inevitably be cancelled we are going to finish hiking all the state parks in Tennessee. 🤷🏻‍♀️🎉 #goals

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What a fantastic endeavor! Good luck! 🍓

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I'm going with pleasure and joy, as much as I can here living alone and without family during this pandemic, and finally writing that dreamy romance novel I've always wanted to finish.

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Love this, Z! Here's to pleasure and joy and writing a dreamy romance novel! 💛

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I graduate with my M.Ed. and get my first classroom of preschoolers to teach. 🤞

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Congratulations, Emily! Good luck with the little ones! 💛

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I've taken the plunge and started a webscomic.

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That's fantastic, Richard! 🎨

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Thank you.

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My plans for the year... to love myself as fully as possible, and all that involves; to love others as fully as possible and tell them (gotta tell your friends you love them!). To travel as much as finances and covid allow. And maybe find a new doggo to be a part of the family.

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These all sound wonderful, Renita! 🍓

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I'll be pivoting this spring from sitting at a desk to a life on my feet, walking, working, hiking, playing music, and more. I hope the majority of my time sitting will be on a bicycle seat.

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Heck yeah! Here's to life on your feet (and on bike seats)! 🚲

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Slowly figuring out how I can work less on things I care less about (the "day job")and work more on things I care more about (artistic endeavors and teaching).

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This sounds like a very good plan. 💖

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Well the ongoing plan is going all in with my music - atm plan of recording a 'decent' live video of me singing and playing piano of one of my newly written songs! Who'd've thought it's so bloody difficult! currently awaiting a light and phone holder to get a better video - I'm a 'holding on' haha trying to stay focused on one thing at a time when it seems tricky in these times in keeping the joy :)

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I'm so happy to hear that you're focusing on your music, Sally! Here's to holding on. 🧡

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The plan is to focus this year on building my writing career. I'm going to get over the fear of rejection and pitching, and get my essays out into the bigger world.

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Heck yes, Lauren! Happy hunting! 📝✨

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I’m giving time to hobbies and curiosities. My first near decade in NYC was about making it work, now I’m having fun and encouraging frivolity. Starting violin lessons at 38, even though the last time I played was nearly 30 years ago. Dance classes. Going to the museums and restaurants I want to go to even if its not the best time.

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Hell yeah! This sounds like a great plan. 🎻

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What I do next is keep putting one foot in front of the other like I have been for the last few years. Do my job as well as I can while mental health is my top priority; see people in person as often as is safe; get excited about turning 30 in spring. Lives are made one day at a time.

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Amen, Alex. 💜

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I've always found it difficult to ask for help or to talk to someone when I need to, because I always felt like a bother. This past year (Mom's heart attack and Dad's death) may have gone a lot better had I been able to talk to my friends. This year, I plan to seek help when I need it.

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Kelly, that's an incredibly good and important goal. Sending love. ❤️

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You, sir, are a great pick-me-up! I truly mean that. :-D

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I leave my current job on Feb 4 and start a new job on Feb 21. In between, I'm visiting friends in Albuquerque and Raleigh. Lots of fun times on the horizon!

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Congrats on the new gig, and have fun visiting your friends, Dee! ✨

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Amazing and thoughtful work that you share. You are impacting many around you, one article at a time. Stay authentic, blessed and safe. Blessings

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What a lovely note, Joanne. Thank you so much! 💚

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I have always been conservative physically -- no tattoos, no piercings. Back in the 1990s me and two friends had a death pact: whoever got their ear pierced and studded, the others would follow suit. My friend Wayne got his ear pierced; I didn't. Chickened out. When I turned 60, I wasn't sure what to do with myself. I was wondering if I had anything to offer. Would I ever have another original idea. A lot of negative stuff. To remind myself that anything was possible, and that there were many things left for me to accomplish/attempt, I decided to get a tattoo. An artist friend designed it. I'm not sure how well it translates when described, but I'll give it a shot. One of my heroes is Nelson Mandela who walked out of prison at the age 71, and became President of South Africa 4 years later. He never gave up. He never allowed himself to be consumed with bitterness or despair. And so... After avoiding it for a few months, I got my guts together, located a tattoo artist I thought was talented, and got my first and only tattoo. I got the tattoo on the inside of my left wrist so that I could see it, and it would remind me daily of what was possible. Mandela's initials formed the top of the tattoo, NRH, for Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, a gentle arc below the initials to represent "the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice, and below that the numbers 46664, Mandela's prison number. He was the 466th prisoner in 1964 on Robben Island. I look at the image every day, sometimes on purpose, often in passing, but whatever the reason, it reminds me of what is possible. I'm glad I did it. That said, I'm still not getting an earring!

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Jan 24, 2022
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Here's to New York City in the spring! 🌷

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